Thursday, April 25, 2013

Enjoy the view

Long time, no blog! Here are the pictures I promised a long time ago from NY. They capture the long and tedious flight from Utah to NYC, and vice versa :) Enjoy!

Back to Utah!!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Redefining typical; The truth about normal

Ever hear someone complain about how they want to be normal? How they wish they could be the "typical person"? Well, the next time you do, make sure to reassure them that they are, in fact, not normal or typical. That is, unless they are a 28 year old Han Chinese man.... If that's the case, be sure give them an Oreo, a nice pat on the back, and congratulate them on being born awesome.

P.S. I will get pictures from NY up... eventually... possibly

Sunday, March 17, 2013

New York City!!!

So... last Sunday I was bored and let everyone in my vicinity know about it by moaning and groaning,   because as Jane Austen wisely wrote, "Those who don't complain are never pitied." My mother loved hearing my lamenting so when I jokingly suggested that the cure to my vocal complaints would be a trip to NYC, I was stunned when she agreed. So on Monday morning we left for New York City.

I've been to NYC before-- two years ago-- and I felt like it hadn't changed at all. The city still reeked of smoke and the streets were full of flashes of yellow and black, the metal that makes up roadways of NY. But for all that, the city still has that same unnameable charm that draws thousands to it's streets with it's towering sky scrapers, fast paced vibe, unique culture, etc. 

We arrived at night and let me tell you the hotel was not the scene we were imagining. The fact that it was a "scene" was just hilarious. The lobby was super retro/modern. It was filled with club music, hot pink and purple lighting, intoxicated looking youth, and strange white furniture. My mom and I stood out so much that it was laughable. Seriously,  every time we went in there I would burst out laughing. It was pretty great. 

While there we went to the Metropolitan Museum for like 6 hours. It was pretty much the best 6 hours of my life!! Then later that night we saw WICKED. The play was amazing!!!!! Glinda was hilarious and our Alphaba was German but her accent never showed!

Wednesday we woke up a little late and spent the day shopping and at 3 o'clock we went to the airport to head home :)

In my next blog post I'll add Pictures ;)

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Choices Part 1

The choices we make sometimes seem pointless and finite
But they are incredibly connected to an infinite number of possibilities
There is a wide world before us
Waiting to be explored
And touched
In ways we could never understand
Because we are all connected in such a way
That though we may not be seen
Or even heard
We are felt
We cause vibrations in the earth
That travel far distances to move someone else
Most of the time we never know
Because we are too involved in ourselves
To look outside the surface and into the core of the earth
Where a beating heart lies
All of our hearts
Affected by all of our choices
Every single one
And every beat tells us that we are alive
Which is the greatest and most courageous choice we make
And it tells us we are here
We make sound too great to be heard
And we matter
Because if one heart is lost in this universe
We all feel a pain that surpasses vibration and sound
We feel silence
And in silence there is no choice.

Written by Mary C.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Thai Health Promotion Foundation- Smoking Kid

Random video, I know. But it's so powerful. I don't smoke or drink and I try to limit my consumption of Cheese balls to four whenever I go to Tichonoes, but what i do... do is make mistakes. I'm pretty sure we all do. And sometimes we make them over and over again and somewhere in the back corners of our brain we know it's wrong. Whatever it is. But many times it stays in that back corner and doesn't come out until, in this case, it's reflected in the eyes of a child. We often analyse other people and memorize facts but we never incorporate it-- we never apply it to our lives and then we tell other's to apply it theirs.  So here's to practicing what you preach. And to not smoking. Don't smoke. Or eat more than four cheeseballs. They are delicious but fattening.


Friday, January 25, 2013

The Most Astounding Fact - Neil deGrasse Tyson

I saw this video in Earth Science and thought it was pretty fascinating. It's Neil DeGrasse Tysan, a famous ... well, actually I have no idea what he is exactly, I just know that he's legit enough for a youtube video and that my 50 something professor has a huge crush on him. I just thought it was a cool concept that we are in a way, all made up of stars.

Song: To build a Home, Cinematic Orchestra

And I thought I'd throw in a poem from your's truly :)
We Are All Made Up Of Stars
We are all a part of the universe
Every last one
And every first one
Our atoms come from the stars
And unite us
But still we feel so alone
Even when we can see stars
Even when we can see people
But they are indifferent to us sometimes
And though the world—the universe
Is a vast and seemingly unreachable expanse
It can be reached
And you are not alone in it
- Mary

Another blog, Another day and a History Major

So here i am once again, trying my hand at this blog thing. I've attempted to keep up a blog multiple times, but every time I try, I go through this phase of complete and utter boredom where I surrender and spend my time doing more useful things, like nothing. Then after a year, I decide to create a new blog and continue through the cycle. I'm hoping that this blog will have a longer lifespan but we shall see.

Anywho, A little about myself. My name is Mary and I go to Utah State University, home of the most polluted air and frigid temperatures in the United States. Needless to say I love it and all the weight I'm gaining from drinking hot chocolate and staying inside. My chosen major at this point is History (I'm a freshman p.s.) with a minor in Journalism.

When I tell people I'm a history major they usually tell me really useful things like (and i quote) "Isn't that kinda a useless major", "boring", " I have a cousin who's doing that... George, was it?... no Fred... hmmm...", ect. Silly people, they just don't understand what history is all about! History is cool. I mean, this stuff happened. It's real! It's not a fictional book or movie; it occurred on this planet with actual human beings! And it's hilarious! I cannot even tell you how many Roman emperors built golden stables for there horses or made them senators. Or how many amusing names people had like Clovis, Clotidla, Pepin the short (poor guy), ect.

But the main reason why I'm majoring in history is because it matters. History is the story of actual people who tried to made an indent on the earth with their actions and succeeded. These are people who are just like us-- once upon a time they had a favorite song, a favorite chariot ( erm car...), and someone cared about them. Someone who was once as real as we are.

History is the story of people. People who didn't live to be forgotten. And come on, this is our history! It's fascinating to connect the dots and discover why we are the way we are. And even more interesting to discover who they were.

Moving on from that tangent... my favorite food is Oreo's, my favorite color is purple, I have four siblings, and I am the youngest. I have a dog named Oreo (I know, I love food too much), I'm really into piano/ classical music now a day's, and my lifes ambition is to work at the U.N. (I'm aware that right now it's a smidgen corrupt but it'll remain corrupt unless someone changes it :)And those are your basic facts about me