Sunday, March 17, 2013

New York City!!!

So... last Sunday I was bored and let everyone in my vicinity know about it by moaning and groaning,   because as Jane Austen wisely wrote, "Those who don't complain are never pitied." My mother loved hearing my lamenting so when I jokingly suggested that the cure to my vocal complaints would be a trip to NYC, I was stunned when she agreed. So on Monday morning we left for New York City.

I've been to NYC before-- two years ago-- and I felt like it hadn't changed at all. The city still reeked of smoke and the streets were full of flashes of yellow and black, the metal that makes up roadways of NY. But for all that, the city still has that same unnameable charm that draws thousands to it's streets with it's towering sky scrapers, fast paced vibe, unique culture, etc. 

We arrived at night and let me tell you the hotel was not the scene we were imagining. The fact that it was a "scene" was just hilarious. The lobby was super retro/modern. It was filled with club music, hot pink and purple lighting, intoxicated looking youth, and strange white furniture. My mom and I stood out so much that it was laughable. Seriously,  every time we went in there I would burst out laughing. It was pretty great. 

While there we went to the Metropolitan Museum for like 6 hours. It was pretty much the best 6 hours of my life!! Then later that night we saw WICKED. The play was amazing!!!!! Glinda was hilarious and our Alphaba was German but her accent never showed!

Wednesday we woke up a little late and spent the day shopping and at 3 o'clock we went to the airport to head home :)

In my next blog post I'll add Pictures ;)

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Choices Part 1

The choices we make sometimes seem pointless and finite
But they are incredibly connected to an infinite number of possibilities
There is a wide world before us
Waiting to be explored
And touched
In ways we could never understand
Because we are all connected in such a way
That though we may not be seen
Or even heard
We are felt
We cause vibrations in the earth
That travel far distances to move someone else
Most of the time we never know
Because we are too involved in ourselves
To look outside the surface and into the core of the earth
Where a beating heart lies
All of our hearts
Affected by all of our choices
Every single one
And every beat tells us that we are alive
Which is the greatest and most courageous choice we make
And it tells us we are here
We make sound too great to be heard
And we matter
Because if one heart is lost in this universe
We all feel a pain that surpasses vibration and sound
We feel silence
And in silence there is no choice.

Written by Mary C.